I worked with Fortune 500 companies (Yahoo Finance, Mythical Games, Binance, TELUS) but also with 30+ SMBs. With 3+ years of project management and automation managing projects with budgets up to 2+ million in various industries, you’ll have a solid partner to guide you through your automation project.

Subscription benefits

Flexible and scalable

Fixed monthly rate

Aligned with business goals

Availability & Simplicity

How does it work?

After you purchase a subscription, I’ll send you a link to book our first call and to your personal Trello board. You’ll book a call and enter your first requests. We’ll prioritize them in our First Call and during the Prioritization Call moving forward.

First-time client?

I recommend getting the Process Map Package before jumping to a subscription. We’ll do a rigorous audit of your processes to understand what is preventing your business from scaling.

Once we identify high-priority processes, we’ll develop systems to streamline your processes and allow your business to scale.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need a Zapier subscription?
You need to have a Zapier, Make.com, n8n or any other automation services subscription. Please double-check the plans and their different offerings based on your needs. Feel free to ask if you are unsure.

How will we share passwords?
I recommend you use a password manager like 1Password or LastPass to handle password sharing. Otherwise, you can share your credentials on the Trello board.

How many requests can I have?
Add as many requests as you want in the backlog. Each sprint, we’ll choose the 5 requests with the highest priority to work on.

What if something breaks?
Share a detailed account of the error with as many details as possible. If this is a high-priority issue, we’ll bump it back at the top of the list in the sprint.